Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Road Trippin

Guess what? We went to Maryland. It's up by the capital of Washington. I hear they have apples there.

Anyway we went up for some partying at the University of Maryland and gyess what. I got to ride the turtle! Check it out-
That's my friends Matt with me. Check it out! I look like Spidey! I'm balanced like a Nin-ja!

Friday, May 8, 2009

back to school woo!

Ok so I REALLY missed school and I may have had a little bit too much to drink. We were having a party at a frineds over on Brent road and check out the photographic evidence, baby! It was taken from a cell phone so its crap but it'll do.
I really need a new cell phone. I want an iphone but my parents won't buy me one. You know you can post to your blog from an iphone? I could post this stuff AS ITS HAPPENEING TO ME> THAT WOULD BE SO ]HAWT.

fall fail

Ok so it turns out I probably should go to class some more cause I didn't do very good in my classes. I did pass one but the others I didn't. I told my parents its hard to concentrate sometimes and thats true- cause I'm partying! I swear I got the best dorm in the whole place!

But my parents really seem mad and I think they want me to pay more attention after Christmas. They made some noise about me moving home if the spring doesn't go better but I think they're nuts and I know they don't really want me to live at home. But that would suck! I don't really want to entertain the ladies while my parents are around but a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do I guess.

I met this one girl in my english class and she seems nice. Of course she's smokin hot so I really wanted to get her phone number, right? But she gave me- get this- a fake number! Oh I was pissed about that.! Ihate girls. Except when I love em if you know what I mean! hehe

ZOMG I went swimming

So some of us went to Atlanta for a couple of days. Ed has a friend there so we stayed with him and went out a couple of times but mostly we just stayed at his place and played video games and drank cause he had a keg leftover from a party a couple weeks ago. But one of the days we decided to go to the Coke factory and they had a really huge fountain outside there. Bill said he'd give me a dollar if I ran through the fountain so I did and my freind took a picture. But after that we pretty much booked it all the way to the car. David said he heard somebody say someone said they were gonna call the cops or something!

We came home the next day. I actually think I might have missed a test for my math class so I guess I should talk to my professor or something. Thank god the semester is almost over. I'm so tired of class!

I <3 kareoke

Went to a party with some of the guys last night. We made sure we'd had a few before we left the dorm to tide us over snce we didn't know if there was gonna be anything to drink there. So we had a 24 pack of Coors and an 18 pack of Bud Light cause Bill wants to watch his girly figure. hehe.
Anyway they did have a keg so we had that cause we wanted they had kareoke! And we TOTALLY sang some Journey! Don't stop believin baby!! And there was a girl who took our picture (she was totally hawt). So check us out!

We were awesome and we sang a bunch of other stuff but I don't really reember all of the rest of it. I think we had to walk back to the dorm because somebody took Ed's keys and it was a far walk. I don't know when we got home but I totally missed my classes today.

first friday at nc state


Orientation Party

First night on campus was freakin awesome. Got super drunk in the dorm room we were staying at. Met a couple of cool guys and we got some beer from one guys brother whos a senior. Hope he'll be a round to get us more once school starts. Didn't pay much attention in the sessions today. Cause I was REALLY hungover. I think I slept through the first two. hehe. Then I ate some lunch and we went an info fair and then went home. Kind of sucks to come home- can't wait to be on campus this fall!